How to clean and remove the smell out of towels

5 mins read
Dirty towels in a box
5 mins read

We've all been there - you reach for a fresh towel, only to be met with a musty, unpleasant odour. It's a common woe in many households, and it can leave you wondering: How do you bring that fresh, clean scent back to your towels? That’s where Lenor comes in; we’ve put together a useful guide to answer your pressing towel-related questions - from how to wash towels to how often to wash them.

Dirty towels in a box

Whether you’re drying towels indoors or outdoors, or using a tumble dryer, we recommend:

  • Giving your towels a shake – this will also remove any stiffness
  • Don’t dry towels on the radiator – whilst we might think it’s speedy, drying towels on radiators can lead to damp conditions where mould thrives. This will not only create musty smells in towels but is bad for our health
  • Use high-quality fabric conditioner – we recommend the Lenor Outdoorables range, which will give you unbeatable freshness. Developed with our SolarDry™ technology, it will give your towels that line-dried freshness and will fill your home with a lovely fresh-air smell

  • Get even more freshness with Lenor In-Wash Scent Boosters – we recommend using our Unstoppables range to ensure your towels stay fresher for weeks
  • Use dryer sheets – if using a tumble dryer to dry your towels, place a Lenor Dryer Sheet on top of your towels to preserve their freshness. This will ensure your towels have long-lasting freshness and extra softness and reduce creasing and static cling

    The best way to wash towels is to make sure you take care throughout the washing and drying process. With Lenor’s range – whether this be the Outdoorable fabric conditioner, Unstoppables In-Wash Scent Boosters, or Lenor Dryer sheets - your towels will be fresher than ever. Don’t forget, you can make small personal changes too – such as hanging up your towel straight after use, and only using it three times or less before rewashing it.