Mastering the Art of Air Drying Clothes

Kinder to the planet, your bank balance and your clothes, here’s the best way to dry laundry – in and outdoors

DO use coat hangers
Hang delicate items such as camisoles and shirts on coat hangers off your airer or washing line to maximise space. It will handily ensure more clothes dry at once and as crease-free as possible. The bonus? Once completely dry, you can pop them straight in your wardrobe. Voila.
DON’T hang sweaters
Want to avoid saggy shoulders and baggy sleeves? Lay knit items and other stretchy or heavy garments flat on a mesh drying rack to help retain their shape. Moisture tends to settle at the bottom of hefty fabrics so turn at least once to help them dry faster and more evenly.
DO give clothes a shake
To stave off stiffness that can occur in air-dried items, give each piece a good shake before hanging up. Shaking fabric fresh from the machine helps fluff up its fibres and prevents static cling. Garments should be fully stretched out, not crumpled, to keep irksome wrinkles at bay – beneficial for those who don’t like to iron.
DON’T dry brights and darks in the sun
Direct sunlight breaks down dyes used in fabrics and leads to fading. When drying bright or dark items outside, turn them inside out and ensure your airer or clothesline is in the shade. Pro tip: Using a fabric conditioner like Lenor will help maintain the vibrancy of your colours and prevent fading.
DO let the sun bleach lights
British weather may be unpredictable but take advantage of summer scorchers and let direct sunlight bleach white clothes and linen. It’s also the best spot for items like socks and underwear as the sun’s UV rays can effectively kill pesky bacteria which causes odours on your intimates. Hurrah.
DO check the weather forecast
Do you suffer from bothersome hay fever or other pollen-based allergies? Then avoid drying outside when pollen counts are high. Damp clothes, especially knits, attract allergens blowing in the air and could fast become the scourge of your summer. Most weather apps will alert you – as well as when rain is on the horizon, of course.
DON’T dry clothes on the radiator
It’s the go-to solution for drying clothes speedily, but scientists have warned that it can cause harm to your health. The additional moisture in the air from drying wet garments on direct heat can lead to damp conditions where mould spores and dust mites thrive.* This can affect the respiratory system – so try to avoid where possible.
DO position clothes strategically
Air needs to circulate around items to whisk away moisture and ensure a quality, even dry. Leave an inch between garments to allow faster drying. Indoors, place clothes near an air vent, extractor fan, heat source or dehumidifier to speed up the process. Always have a window ajar when possible to allow fresh air to flow freely.
DO use a high-quality fabric conditioner like Lenor Outdoorable
Need to get rid of that offending damp odour when drying clothes inside? Wash your clothes with Lenor Outdoorable to get unbeatable freshness. Developed with unique SolarDry™ technology, it gives laundry line-dried freshness and will fill your home with that lush fresh-air smell of clothes that have been dried outside.
DON’T fold clothes away too soon
Fabric type, heat and airflow all play a part in how long it takes to dry your clothes. Always make sure items are dried out thoroughly before putting them away. This will help prevent musty-smelling mould and mildew from growing in areas with poor air circulation such as wardrobes and drawers.